Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Preparations are well in hand for departure as scheduled. Ron, crewman from Seattle, will arrive in a few days. My other crewman, Dave, is a local Kiwi. We will depart as soon after the 28th as weather allows. The first leg of the voyage, to Tahiti, will take about three weeks. Expect an update upon arrival.


  1. Great idea posting on a blog. Hopefully following your travels vicariously won't make me too seasick. If it does, I'll take a stugeron before I log on. Sheron and I will be in WA for a few weeks this summer - last week of June and first week of July. I don't know when you anticipate arriving there, but if is just so happens we're there when you are it would be great to visit.

    Fair Winds - Craig & Sheron

  2. Hello Mintaka
    Pity about the gale. I feel seasick. Hope conditions continue to improve. It is the Northern Territory school holidays and we are bored; temperatures too hot to go camping but feeling better now and glad to be on land!! Take care and remember you will eventually get there. Regards Martin & Shery 'Seabird'
